Order now!                   INVEST YOURSELF: A Guide to Action

INVEST YOURSELF is the most comprehensive catalogue of information about thousands of nongovernmental volunteer service opportunities (full-time and part-time) throughout North America and the rest of the world.


Find volunteer opportunities in:

  • Sustainable economic development
  • Community and labor organizing
  • Health care
  • Food and sustainable agriculture,
  • Action on climate change
  • Environmental restoration and conservation
  • Clean energy
  • Water
  • Affordable housing
  • Disaster relief
  • Legal justice
  • Education and childrens' rights  Immigration rights
  • Care for the elderly, and many other areas of service and organizing for systemic change and real solutions.

INVEST YOURSELF is a 272 page paperback catalogue with descriptions of 175 nongovernmental and community-based organizations who need volunteers. Photos included. Geographic Index and the Index by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


Each organizational entry provides a full text description of their programs,
the needs and problems they are addressing, the roles volunteers fill, and details on how to contact the organization. 


INVEST YOURSELF itself is produced entirely by dedicated volunteers.

Suggested donation of $20 for a single copy

(this includes the cost of shipping)


Special College Student rates: Call CVSA at (323) 933-2872


Bulk rates:

  5-9     $12.00 each

10-19    $11.00 each

20-49    $ 9.00 each

50-99    $ 7.50 each

100 and up $7.00 each

(Plus the cost of shipping)


You can also order your copy(ies) by just giving CVSA a call at
(323) 933-2872


You use PayPal below to pay for your order and use the form to give us your name and the address for shipment of the book(s).  Or send a check to CVSA, 1284 S. Sycamore Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019


For more information, special requests and discounts,

call CVSA (323) 933-2872


The ISBN is: 78-0-9629322-6-7

INVEST YOURSELF An inspiring  resource for anyone of any age wanting to invest their time and skills serving people and communities in need.


Join with others uilding systemic solutions to urgent social, economic and environmental problems.


Group and individual opportunties. Short-term commitments, and long-term opportunities available.


As a resource on college campuses for service learning, civic engagement, community-service, career counseling and chaplain's offices — INVEST YOURSELF is an inspiring, unique and essential resource.


Students looking for SPRING BREAK or SUMMER involvement or a year of service and organizing You need INVEST YOURSELF.


Retiring and looking for where to invest your time, skill and energy for the greater good? You need INVEST YOURSELF.


To order one or more copies of INVEST YOURSELF,

use the form below or just give us a call at

(323) 933-2872. 


Mail your donation to CVSA at 1284 S. Sycamore Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90019 or use PayPal below.


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        TO INCLUDE YOUR ORGANIZATION in the NEXT edition of INVEST YOURSELF, or update the listing you already have:  Call (323) 933-2872, fill out this LISTING FORM and send it to us at cvsa@bway.net.
